Product On-Chain Retention: A Novel Concept to Measure Engagement with Digital Assets We introduce On-Chain Retention, a novel concept for measuring user engagement and investor loyalty in digital assets through Activity Retention (ongoing interactions) and Holder Retention (sustained ownership). These metrics reveal insights into investor commitment, turnover, and conviction.
Product Featured Introducing Investor Cost Basis On-Chain We introduce the Cost Basis Distribution (CBD), a novel metric that helps identify key accumulation and distribution zones, tracks their evolution over time, and offers a data-driven framework for understanding critical price levels derived from on-chain data.
French 78% de l'Offre du Bitcoin n'est pas Liquide Quantifier l'offre de BTC liquide et illiquide et sa relation avec le prix du Bitcoin.
Spanish Presentamos las Métricas de la Prueba de Reserva de los Exchanges Presentamos un conjunto de métricas de Prueba de Reserva para monitorizar con facilidad el balance en las arcas de los exchanges dentro del blockchain, según las reservas monetarias que contienen las carteras que ellos mismos declaran poseer.
Apresentando as Métricas de Prova-de-Reserva das Corretoras As corretoras de criptomoedas têm tradicionalmente mantido segredo sobre os endereços de blockchain, participações e práticas de gerenciamento de carteira que controlam os fundos dos seus clientes. No entanto, após o colapso do FTX em novembro de 2022, isso parece ter começado a mudar. Em uma aposta por maior transparência
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Introducing Proof-of-Reserve Exchange Metrics We introduce an array of proof-of-reserve metrics to easily monitor the balances of exchanges' on-chain reserves held in self-reported addresses.
French Décortiquer les Mesures On-Chain des Investisseurs à Court et à Long terme Nous introduisons des variations des métriques SOPR et MVRV sur la chaîne qui servent d'indicateurs pour évaluer le comportement des investisseurs à court et à long terme.
Product Bitcoin On-Chain Exchange Metrics: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly In the present work, we give insights into the importance of analyzing exchange activity, the processes of accurately tracking exchange addresses, and the caveats that come with exchange data.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Featured No, Bitcoin Ownership is not Highly Concentrated – But Whales are Accumulating We analyze the distribution of Bitcoin across network participants, and show that BTC ownership disperses over time and is much less concentrated than often reported. Meanwhile, BTC supply held by whales has recently increased, suggesting institutional investors are entering.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research 78% of the Bitcoin Supply is Not Liquid Quantifying the amount of liquid and illiquid BTC supply and its relationship to Bitcoin's price.
Product Featured Quantifying Short-Term and Long-Term Holder Bitcoin Supply We introduce a new methodology to classify Bitcoin supply owned by long-term investors and short-term traders, and create a set of on-chain metrics that show when these two investor types are in a state of profit or loss.
Ethereum and DeFi What Are Ethereum Users Paying Fees For? An on-chain analysis on how fees are distributed across distinct transaction categories in the Ethereum network.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Featured Breaking up On–Chain Metrics for Short and Long Term Investors We introduce variations of the SOPR and MVRV on-chain metrics that serve as indicators to assess the behaviour of short and long term investors.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Over 75% of Bitcoin’s On–Chain Volume Doesn’t Change Hands Using advanced entity–adjusted metrics we assess Bitcoin's true transfer volume and show that only up to 25% of BTC moved on–chain actually changes owners.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research How Many Entities Hold Bitcoin? Introducing a New Generation of Entity–based On–chain Metrics Using Clustering and Advanced Data Science that Quantifies the Number of Bitcoin Holders.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Stablecoins' Buying Power over Bitcoin Introducing the Stablecoin Supply Ratio (SSR)
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Dissecting Bitcoin’s Unrealised On–Chain Profit/Loss Introducing a New Set of Metrics to Help Time Bitcoin Market Cycles
Ethereum and DeFi Assessing the Distribution of ERC20 Tokens on the Ethereum Network On-Chain Metrics Show Highly Uneven Token Distribution Across ERC20s
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Asymmetric Correlations of On–Chain Activity: Using Litecoin when Sending Bitcoin Becomes Expensive Asymmetric on-chain data correlations show significant increases Litecoin network activity as a result of increased Bitcoin transaction fees.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research An On-Chain Distribution Analysis of Basic Attention Token (BAT) An on-chain analysis of Basic Attention Token (BAT) giving insights to the distribution of BAT funds across the network and showing that the richest 1% hold 87% of funds.